today, as animals tend to do, one of our dogs died today. she was 14. she was old, yes. and my dad was scared he would have to put her to sleep, which i know would have killed him. when my mom called today to see if i had received an email from my dad, i told her no, which is when she told me poacher died. of course, i started crying. but just a few glistening tears. and mostly because when she talked to my dad, he was crying (the only time i've ever seen my dad cry is when his favorite dog has died). she did everything with him. she went to the middle fork, on float trips, camping trips, all trotting alongside of whatever mule my dad was riding. so, i came home to check to see if he had sent me an email. he had. and i kind of lost it because this is what he wrote:
"To all,
We lost Poacher today just before noon. I came home from the shop and let the dogs out. Poacher went as far as the patio and was panting heavily. She laid down and about 10 minutes later, she was going. At least she didn't give me the pain of having to put her down. Fortunately, I was there to say good-bye. She's resting in the edge of the yard now.
Good bye to a wonderful friend.
then he posted these pictures...

i think it's so interesting how people become so attached to animals. but i guess they typically treat you better than other people. i want to call my dad, but i can't hear him cry.
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