Friday, June 5, 2009

just a thought...

does it seem weird that i think it's completely bizarre that there is even a debate over gay marriage? it seems like such a simple concept to me. two people are in love, let them have the same rights as others who are in love. from what i've heard, those opposed to gay marriage are so because his or her religion "believes" (maybe even wrongfully so, depending on how you take one passage in the bible). but when did everyone in this country become a good, god-fearing christian? not me. is that why i am for gay marriage? no, no, that can't be so. i know plenty of lovely christians who also believe that two people should be able to get married. could this be yet another case in which certain individuals are trying to transform his or her dogma into law? i don't know the answer to that one, but i'm leaning towards yes.
hmmm...what can it be.
i also think it is funny when people say "gay marriage is wrong." huh. i don't remember voting for any of my peers or congress-people to be the morality police....
i know people who think it's wrong to wear white after labor day. but it certainly is not illegal.
logically, there are things in this world that have been widely accepted as being "wrong." smacking a kid is wrong, rape is wrong, driving drunk is wrong. the aforementioned crimes have the tendency to harm people, and take away their rights. but...isn't withholding marriage from people also taking away a certain right...? call me crazy.
is this all a matter of heart (faith) and head (logic)?
i know there is also an issue because marriage is a religious ceremony. wait, let me rephrase...marriage is a religious ceremony if the couple CHOOSES it to be. as far as the marriage certificate goes? oh, it's a legal document. legal. meaning, law. meaning, separation of church and state. but, on the same note, i get it. some people don't want to go as far as to have the same title within their relationship as someone who is gay. why? i don't know. do they think that if gay people get married it will somehow tarnish their marriage license? will burst into flames in their filing cabinet (because that's where people typically keep their legal documents, not on the wall in a frame)? i know that is taking it a bit far. but seriously, if that tends to bother people so much, change the name. it's been discussed: if you want a religious ceremony, call it a marriage. if you want to marry someone you love without all the god-talk, call it a civil union. as long as the two hold the same rights, go for it.
the issue i still see with that is the problem of acceptance. it's hard for me to grasp any sort of understanding how this basically all comes down to acceptance. when is someone going to write a new version of the bible that people are living by these days?
1. love thy neighbor: as long as they aren't TOO different from you and hold the exact same values. if they don't, you can forget that fourth of july bbq you were going to invite them to.
2. god loves everyone: except for everyone who HE made different.

what i am trying to say is, a beautiful thing, that seems so simple to me, has turned into one giant, ugly, hateful mess. and the only reasons against gay marriage i have ever heard are based on faith and not on facts. so if anyone has any reason as to why two people who love each other should not get married, regardless of their sex, that is NOT based on faith, please, let me know. i will probably disagree with you, but i will at least hold your argument valid.


  1. Blame the Mo's. Have you ever heard of the people who enter into a rehab-like place for homosexuals? They supposedly come out being straight, but I am sure they mostly just come out scared as shit and were probably shown disgusting pictures of gay rape or something and have just lost their libidos entirely. They basically just don't want any sexual encounter (gay or straight) for the rest of their lives. Could you imagine? Rehab for love?

  2. I completely agree. I see no difference between making gay marriage illegal because you think your religion believes it is wrong and making any religious belief other than yours illegal.

    If you're going to become a theocracy and legislate religion-founded morality, you can't cherry pick which aspects of your religion to enforce. My atheism should be illegal as well using that logic!

    Another thing that really upsets me is how these wackos lump it into the same category as bestiality and child pornography, as in, "Well, if we ruin the sanctity of marriage by allowing two people of the same sex to marry, then we should also allow people to marry 6-year-old children or animals if they want to." I've seriously heard this argument countless times. A consensual relationship between two adults, regardless of what sex they are, is completely different from any situation where one party is being taken advantage of against their will, as is the case with pedophilia and bestiality. I can't even describe how much that offends me. oh. my. god.

    Becky, it baffles me so much how people can believe that a binding legal document of marriage between two consenting adults of the same sex threatens them or their way of life in any imaginable way.

  3. Sorry for writing a novel there. Don't even get me started on the murder of Dr. George Tiller! How can anyone who calls themselves "pro-life" even attempt to justify murder???

  4. oh, please, i like it when novels are written. sometimes i feel bad because i, like the other side, find it virtually impossible to even see where they are coming from. but, i get over it. speaking of the george tiller thing, watch this documentary called "lake of fire." definitely NOT for the faint of heart, but a good documentary on abortion regardless. actually pretty level-headed. surprising for a documentary. but like i said, a little graphic at times, actually showing an abortion procedure. but you're right. doesn't pro-life mean "pro-life?" apparently not. pro-life only as long as you're not quite alive and kickin' yet.
    there was an article in the boise weekly last week where the writer (it's the one conservative article they put in there per week) BUT i enjoyed it because whoever wrote it said that they were pro-choice based on the principle that women deserve the right to control their own bodies, even they thought abortion was indeed murder. it was interesting. and i paid attention.
    ...whoa. i digress.

  5. on the same note...isn't it strange how much of proposition 8 was funded by the mormon church? and them rifling propaganda all over the media? "but homosexuality is wrong!" only according to your religion, not mine. hrmph.

  6. More people should follow your blog. I love your beautiful mind.
