Thursday, March 12, 2009

dear woolshed,

go eat a dick.

i hate your dancing girls on the tables. there has to be some health code violation regarding that. especially in this heat. i don't want to eat off a table where a girl's cha-cha sweat has dripped.

we also don't like your 45 year old english men who have watched every single episode of the "pick up artist" and taken ALL of their advice to hit on 23 year old girls.

it was ridiculous. old guy #1 was hitting on me. his "wingman" eventually brought him a drink and started talking to kristan. so stupid. the main topic of conversation is usually politics, of course, and how everyone hates americans. because, well, they typically do.
BUT i knew this guy had other things in mind when i said, "everyone hates americans" and he said, "why?"
and i said, "because our government"
and he said, "that's not your fault."
INSTANTLY KNEW he was trying to get his old man parts in my young girl pants. please. you're old enough to know that everyone hates americans and why they do.
we basically had to sneak out of the place to get rid of them. they didn't really respect personal bubbles either. ew.

fortunately i drug kristan into one more crowded bar, with less old farts, where we found 2 boys hard-core dancing to dance music. so we laughed and danced with them. they did not try and hit on us. so we liked them. and it was fun. some bitch cut my leg with her dumb high-heel. and i've never sweated so much in my life. dancing + humidity + high temperatures = sweat bath. hawt!

however, we DID hold koala bears yesterday. photos don't do them justice. they're so.
SO. SOOOO fucking cute. hot damn. and not as stinky as expected, which was nice.

oh yeah. and those aussie soccer players. read kristan'd blog. i'm pretty sure she wrote about them.

wait...she just erased half of it. maybe you'll be able to read about them.

today just sucks. it's hot. we ran out of shit to do. and the locals are starting to recognize us. that can't be good. i just want to sit and sweat in the air-con all day.

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