Wednesday, May 20, 2009

about a bee could become a bout of bees

may 19, 2009

2:30 pm: i leave my house to run around and do some errands. as i was unlocking my bike, i look up and see a gigantic bee about four feet away from me. he wasn't causing any trouble, but he was ridiculously big, so i obviously took note of him.

6:00 pm: return home from errands. no big deal

8:07 pm: got off phone with kristan and left my apartment. as i was locking the door, i noticed quite a large bug on the hallway wall about fifteen feet down. as i approached, i noticed it was none other than a big ass yellow jacket. i wasn't going to do anything about it. i figured it would just fly out the way it came in (we leave the front door to access our floor wide open since it's so bloody hot up here)

11:12 pm: i return home and i'm pushing my bike through the narrow hallway. i noticed that the bee was gone. i get to my door, and as i reach for the doorknob, i notice the bee. he was ON my doorknob. walking in circles around it. just around and around he went. i was in a predicament. i could either a) slap that bitch off the knob and risk getting stung because there is certainly nowhere to run in that narrow ass hallway. plus i had my bike and i could just abandon it. i'd probably just actually trip over it and get stung anyway. or i could b) use my thumb and my pointer finger to very gently open the door, without disturbing him, get my bike inside, and slowly close the door behind me, careful to watch the knob to make sure he didn't make it inside with me.

i chose b. and it worked. he didn't follow me in. i figured i had seen the last of him.

may 20, 2009
10:30 am: i crawled out of bed to go to the bathroom and lo and behold, that son of a bitch was crawling around on my floor.

i am still dumbstruck how he got in my house. i (ironically) had a yellow tulip skirt folded up on the floor where mr. bee decided to crawl under and hang out. i got a bowl and put it over him. i later took him outside and flung him away.

what all of this represents? i'm not quite sure. but seriously, i have no idea why this bee was after me.


  1. I believe the bee was begging for a bedtime bounce / cuddle. I love how you said "bloody" and I love how you didn't kill it.

  2. oh my god. i didn't even realize i said bloody until you pointed it out. i had to go re-read that post to even find it. i'm british at heart.
