today was the first day i saw a spider in my apartment.
if that means that spring's coming, i won't even complain.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
sister, won't you rise with me?
so. as you all know, i started this blog to document my experiences in the land down under. but what some of you did not know is that i'm embarking on this adventure to visit one of the best friends i've ever had, miss kristan. from the time i was buying bag balm for my stinging tattoo at the pharmacy, i knew this girl was something special. over the next year and a half or so i got to know her real, real well. for some reason, whatever that may be, some experiences in our lives were almost EXACTLY in sync, drawing us closer together. we bonded over boys, mistakes, the pain of winter, the aches of school, and the achingly smallness of boise. i can't tell you how many times we spent smiling over something stupid like ice cream, mojitos, a show, a magazine, strange experiences, and everything. i also can't tell you how many times we spent crying over something even stupider like boys, family problems, friend problems, bad days, customer service jobs, or even some cases, asshole dentists.
we once took a trip to austin where we watched yeasayer videos over and over again on the plane as it sometimes bumped through bad bouts of turbulence (where i almost lost my vom on the 19 year old's lap next to me), only to be tremendously disappointed that we didn't feel as much passion in the musicians in their actual LP.
we went without a plan. in doing so, we sweated. a lot.
we made our way to a quite expensive rilo kiley show (well worth the money) where a homeless man tried to sell me a puffin made of tin foil. i refused to pay him however, because he failed to listen when i said puffins looked NOTHING like owls (the finished product definitely had owl features).
we walked through beautiful gardens stuffed with plants that i've only looked at in magazines (idaho is reaaaal dry) and we stumbled through our heat-induced drunkenness to our savior: barton springs. here we didn't do much except step into the 60-something degree water and freeze from the waist down and sweat on the top up. it didn't matter though. as much as we didn't do that day, i felt completely comfortable with my kristan. we didn't do tons the whole trip at all, which may seem like a waste to some, but to me, it was perfect.
kristan has said more than once, "i feel like you guys really are my best friends for life you know?" i think once may have even be through a tear-streaked face, choked back with sobbing mumbles. simply meaning that friends and people do come and go, but the BBB were some that she couldn't see her life without.
i too, feel like kristan is someone that i want in my life forever. many people say that their boyfriend or girlfriend understands them on a different level, but i think feel that kristan really understands me on the plane that i'm scared to ever let a significant other see.
when kristan left, we stood on the sidewalk of 17th and bannock hugging each other and crying until our eyes burned. i refused to even talk to her about her leaving until she actually left. i don't do well with these sort of things. i'll never be sure what those people who drove by thought of us to crazies standing on the sidewalk for so long were crying over, but it doesn't matter. when i got in my car to leave, it took me three times to start it, almost like it knew what was happening. like if it didn't move, i could hang out with kristan for just a bit more time.
i miss her more than i miss anyone i ever have. she never really outright comes and says she is homesick, but i'll willingly admit that i'm homesick for her. sometimes i don't even feel like myself without her, but i'm slowly learning. i think some may call that co-dependency... i know she is having a wonderful time and living her life to the fullest. and i'm very, very happy for that.
regardless, i am soon to spend two full weeks with her, experiencing part of life that neither of us have ever really experienced. and for that, i am MOST grateful.
kristan, i love you. i can't wait to see you.
we once took a trip to austin where we watched yeasayer videos over and over again on the plane as it sometimes bumped through bad bouts of turbulence (where i almost lost my vom on the 19 year old's lap next to me), only to be tremendously disappointed that we didn't feel as much passion in the musicians in their actual LP.
we went without a plan. in doing so, we sweated. a lot.
we made our way to a quite expensive rilo kiley show (well worth the money) where a homeless man tried to sell me a puffin made of tin foil. i refused to pay him however, because he failed to listen when i said puffins looked NOTHING like owls (the finished product definitely had owl features).
we walked through beautiful gardens stuffed with plants that i've only looked at in magazines (idaho is reaaaal dry) and we stumbled through our heat-induced drunkenness to our savior: barton springs. here we didn't do much except step into the 60-something degree water and freeze from the waist down and sweat on the top up. it didn't matter though. as much as we didn't do that day, i felt completely comfortable with my kristan. we didn't do tons the whole trip at all, which may seem like a waste to some, but to me, it was perfect.
kristan has said more than once, "i feel like you guys really are my best friends for life you know?" i think once may have even be through a tear-streaked face, choked back with sobbing mumbles. simply meaning that friends and people do come and go, but the BBB were some that she couldn't see her life without.
i too, feel like kristan is someone that i want in my life forever. many people say that their boyfriend or girlfriend understands them on a different level, but i think feel that kristan really understands me on the plane that i'm scared to ever let a significant other see.
when kristan left, we stood on the sidewalk of 17th and bannock hugging each other and crying until our eyes burned. i refused to even talk to her about her leaving until she actually left. i don't do well with these sort of things. i'll never be sure what those people who drove by thought of us to crazies standing on the sidewalk for so long were crying over, but it doesn't matter. when i got in my car to leave, it took me three times to start it, almost like it knew what was happening. like if it didn't move, i could hang out with kristan for just a bit more time.
i miss her more than i miss anyone i ever have. she never really outright comes and says she is homesick, but i'll willingly admit that i'm homesick for her. sometimes i don't even feel like myself without her, but i'm slowly learning. i think some may call that co-dependency... i know she is having a wonderful time and living her life to the fullest. and i'm very, very happy for that.
regardless, i am soon to spend two full weeks with her, experiencing part of life that neither of us have ever really experienced. and for that, i am MOST grateful.
kristan, i love you. i can't wait to see you.
my mouth tastes like chunks
we saw these in the mall today. and then i found this advertisement. it's not hard to believe that the parents were ugly. it is, however, hard to believe that people buy this cheaply made, spongy shit. the next person i see in business casual wearing high-heeled crocs, i'm going to kick in the taco.

and away we go!
i'm going to start this blog for my trip to the land of oz.
just so you all know. whoever "all" may be.
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